We offer one of the best onsite business services to have a machine repaired from laptops to servers to desktop to a software issue we can even supply you with a new computer setup. Why would you choose us for this well we can say that our machines are proven to be stable work horses day in day out. The workstations that we install and setup everyday in homes and business are business grade desktops. A business grade desktop is that different to one of one purchased from a major retail store. The retail store sell home domestic machines with still very reliable specs and the build can be good short term but ordering direct from a company like dell business means you get to choose from the Business Grade lines of systems. The business grade lines are very different to that of other machines, let me say that the build the material the internal parts and design is much more designed for business company environments. This also goes for laptops and tablets too. So next time your wanting to repair or replace your existing business computer systems let us manage this for you. Ring 1300nerdcore. If a machine doesn't turn on or if a machine is not loading correctly we can help with getting all working for you again. Its fast and secure an you dont have to deal with 10 people to have to find that your computer is on back order 10 days from now. Ha its that easy for us.
The Nerdcore Group - Computer Repairs Melbourne - 1300637326
