Internet & Wifi Installation Setup
Nowadays having a fast and reliable connection to the internet is essential. In fact, when moving house, sorting out the internet connection is one of the first things on most people’s to-do list.
Unfortunately, not all internet installations are as straightforward as the service providers would have you think. With some of the cheaper service providers – all you get is a modem in the mail and a set of instructions on how to set it up. Unless you’re quite technically savvy, these instructions can be quite confusing.
Other providers do come out and set it up for you for a fee, which is great at the beginning, but often it’s not until they’ve gone that you find that it doesn’t work in all rooms properly or it’s not as fast as you wanted.
Of course the moment something goes wrong you call their support line. After you’ve waited in the queue for 2 hours you finally are connected to a specialist overseas. Even if you can understand them, what they tell you to do is very confusing an might result in further downtime. Just give us a ring.
We regularly liaise with ISPs on behalf of our clients because we understand what to say to them.
What you need is impartial advice and help that you can decide on whats best for you. Sometimes you simply have the wrong equipment or wrong service level for your location or for your in house requirements. Other times it’s configured wrongly because of a modem update.
Internet Connection Types
Although the government is currently rolling out the new National Broadband Network (NBN) into many Australian suburbs and citys, it may be a while before it’s available in your street. You can check to see if it’s available in your area at nbnco.com.au.
In the meantime your choice is cable, ADSL or a portable 4G wifi modem should work anywere.
A cable Internet connection uses your cable TV cable to send and receive internet data and is generally the fastest connection you can get from any isp.
ADSL or ADSL2+ uses your existing phone line to send and receive internet data. The difference between each of them is usually speed, but the speed you’ll actually experiences depends on how far you are physically located from the ISP’s exchange or office of the isp.
Mobile broadband is a plugin USB mini modem that provides wireless internet connection for your computer. You can also do this through your phone using the hotspot (tethering) function – however if you need to do this regularly, a 4G or 5G broadband dongle will be more reliable and quite a bit cheaper than using your phone that's for sure.
With cable and ADSL connections – you have a line coming into your premises from outside on the street cable that has a special socket plug in the wall. You’ll have a modem connected to this socket. The modem acts like a receiver/transmitter and turns the data into a wireless signal and beams it around your house or office so that all your devices can get internet access. In some properties a modem repeater is needed – to beam signals around corners or long distances.
What Can Go Wrong?
Some of the common things which can go wrong with internet connections include:
Slow internet speed overall up and down time results
Wifi doesn’t reach all parts of the your area you need
Connection keeps dropping out to often in complete not working
Modem can’t connect to Internet service provider or mobile dongle no antenna when purchased
Faulty software inside the modem causing problems due to a faulty modem
Wireless modem becomes faulty and stops working randomly and then starts again
Losing your WiFi password due to reset often
WiFi interference from cordless telephones and neighbour’s wireless connections constantly downsizing your signal causing a huge crossover of signals.