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Know before You Go: Cyber Safety Tips for Your Summer Travels

Smartphones and other electronic devices have made it easier to stay in touch and multi-task while traveling. But they can also mean increased cyber risks for keeping your personal and university information private, as well as increased potential for theft.

Stay cyber safe while traveling

A good rule of thumb when traveling is to assume your devices will be lost, stolen, compromised, or even confiscated at an international border at some point during your trip – and to plan accordingly. It is also important to remember that anything you do over unsecured Wi-Fi may be seen by others, including your passwords and messages. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

Make sure you are able to connect to the Internet securely while you’re away.Encrypt your devices, or at least any sensitive information on your devices.Only bring what you’re willing to lose – both stored information and the devices themselves — even if they’re encrypted.If you’re traveling for UC business, research, or as an international student or scholar, work with your IT department to make sure you’re taking a clean machine or an appropriate loaner device, and that you have the tools you need to connect to the Internet securely.Immediately report lost or stolen devices used for work. Follow your location’s reporting requirements.

Special considerations for international travelers

There are special rules for bringing electronic equipment, research, intellectual property, and encryption technology abroad. Consult with experts at your campus/location well in advance of your trip if you plan to take university equipment, data, or technology outside of the United States.Although encryption is recommended to protect sensitive information in case your device is lost, stolen, inspected, or confiscated, some countries restrict the use/importation of encryption software. The US may also restrict its export. See UC’s “International Travel” webpage for information, including lists of countries with travel restrictions and links for additional help. If you are not able to use encryption software at your destination, contact your IT department for guidance. If you’re traveling for UC business, research, or as an international student or scholar, visit the UC Global Operations (UC GO) website.

Author Nerdcore Computers

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