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Numero Uno Parental Control Services For Internet Surfing

Updated: Mar 9, 2020

The nerds at nerdcore computers service centre are with the current trends of today's online community, keeping your kids safe on the internet has never been more challenging. Now, with the convenience and protection of Parental Control software, you can be assured that your children will be protected from the things they don't need to see while still being able to do what they need to. With the parental control tools provided by an internet filter, parents can feel comfortable knowing that what their children do on the internet is in their hands.

You can now drop-off your laptop, notebook or desktop computer at the repairs service centre in Hughesdale Victoria Australia

Keep your kids and family protected online its a must in today cybercrime world

Concerned about cyberbullies, online predators, and offensive web sites? You should be!

It’s a fact. Many kids don’t tell their parents what they do online. They give out their personal information to people they don’t know. They’re stalked by predators in chat rooms and social networking sites. They’re cyberbullied by other kids. They visit web sites that contain content you don’t want them to see. They download files that are illegal or harmful to your PC.

112% of kids don’t tell their parents what they do online

631% admit using the Internet unsafely or inappropriately

455% have given out personal information to a stranger

312% met in person with someone they first met online

350% have been bullied online

Why Choose Us?

Fast Same Day Onsite Service

30 Days Repair Guarantee

Complimentary Tutorial & Training

Complimentary FREE Anti-Virus Protection Suite.

A Technician Will:

Install The Parental Control Software

Clear our junk files, cookies & browser history

Configure The Parental Control Software

Tutorial on how to use & administer software

Verify Anti-Virus Suite is installed and functional.

Install complimentary FREE Anti-Virus Suite.

Verify firewall & security is functional.

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