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Numero Uno System Tune up & System Optimization | Nerdcore computer service centre

Updated: Mar 9, 2020

Has your computer lost its edge, gotten really sluggish, taking longer and longer to startup and shut down? Just like a car, your computer needs a tune-up and maintenance every once in a while. You take your car in for an oil change every 10k, have its Engine balanced and get the Transmission tuned up so that the car work well over the course of its life. Yet while we all make sure to maintain our vehicles, motorbikes, boats, most of us don't bother to perform similar tasks on our personal computers, or laptops or networks even though we may spend more time in front of our PCs than we do in our cars. We have services suited just for this cause, we guarantee to bring your computer back to life and speed it you significantly.

You can now drop-off your laptop, notebook or desktop computer at our convenient Bergen County location

Why is my computer so slow?

Virus, Spyware & Adware are one of the main reason causing sluggish performance

Unnecessary programs running in background are a second main cause to poor system performance.

Kaspersky Internet Security, Norton Internet Security, Mcafee Internet Security, TrendMicro, and many other popular programs are Tagged as "Memory eaters"

Low system memory can quickly cause computer to act very slow and unresponsive.

Fragmented/scattered files throughout the Hard Drive is yet another reason for slow performance

Low disk space will cause computer to be significantly slower than regular because the hard drive requires to have some room on there to perform indexing and moving of cached files. At least 200 gb is required to allow the system not to access the hard drive and extended memory if the physical memory runs out.

Failing Hard Drive can cause the computer to become extremely slow.

Benefits of System Optimization!

Faster Windows bootup & shutdown

Improved system stability & responsiveness

Quicker application loading & closing

Virus, Spyware & Adware protection

Lower the system resources & page file usage

Improved system security

Ability to have more open windows/programs

Increased hard drive space

Why Choose Us?

Fast Same Day Onsite Repair

Guaranteed Performance Increase

Available Offsite/Pickup with Flat Rate Pricing

Complimentary FREE Anti-Virus Protection Suite.

Nerdcore computer Technicians Can do the following work for you or your business:

Scan and remove all Viruses & Spyware infections.

Cleanup junk files & temporary files

Cleanup & Optimize Registry

Disable unnecessary programs from starting up

Optimize windows "Visual Performace & Visual Effects" settings

Optimize windows Page File settings to load page file size better

Uninstall old unused programs from hard drive an allow for more operating system performance

Defragment & Optimize Hard Drive

Scan Hard Drive for errors and repair any found

Option to add more system memory/ram

Ring 1300nerdcore | Nerdcore computers service centre | Pc & Laptop Service Centre | Onsite It support | Macbook Pro Repairs | Imac computers service centre | File Data Recovery Centre | Australia leading IT support company is here to offer your family the best affordable prices. We make computing fun.

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