Why is Nerdcore Computer Service Centre the place to go to for home and office computer repairs. We send the experts to your home and office. Whether you've got Windows 7, Windows 8 or Apple Mac you're sure to have some kind of error causing problems with Windows or even preventing it from starting. Very often you get a Blue or Black Screen Error or a quick blue flash and computer will restart, this often means a serious problem with the operating system. Most of the time we can identify the problem and repair it quickly without touching any of your files. We have years of experience and knowledge fixing problems with Windows Operating System, we fix many problems that other companies deemed unfixable.
You can now drop-off your laptop, notebook or desktop computer at our Computer repair centre in Hughesdale.
We repair all windows errors and problems! ( windows 7 - windows 8 - Windows 10 )
"NTLDR is missing"
"Windows cannot start because file missing or corrupt"
"Unmountable Boot Device "
All Blue Screen Stop Errors (BSOD)
"NTFS Volume is dirty"
Computer restarts when loading windows
"Cannot find Operating System"
Blinking cursor in top left corner
Corrupted registry
Malfunctioning/incompatible hardware components
Corrupted system files
Malfunctioning hard-drive
Windows Vista to XP Downgrade.
Want to buy a new PC or Laptop but you're hesitant because it has Windows 10 No worries, you can buy a new computer and just downgrade from Windows 8 or 7 or even windows xp. We'll remove windows 10 and install your choice of operating system platform you desire and then we will, install device drivers and then even load software if you request. We have a solution for everything!!!
Why Choose Us?
Fast Same Day Onsite Repair
30 Days Repair Guarantee
We fix all windows problems
Complimentary FREE Anti-Virus Protection Suite.
Nerdcore computer Technicians Will:
Identify the root of the problem.
Replace any malfunctioning parts.
Repair the corrupted or missing files.
Restore or repair corrupted registry.
Attempt "Check Disk" repair.
Attempt repair re-installation of windows.
Backup files and settings. (if necessary)
Restore computer to original settings. (if necessary)
Perform clean installation of windows. (if necessary)
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