Setting out to purchase a new computer is a big investment, no matter what type of device or brand you’re looking for. Before buying be sure to conduct extensive research, read online customer reviews, and comparison shop. If you are struggling to decide between a Mac and a PC, The Nerdcore Group can help!
5 Differences Between a Mac and a PC
One of the first decisions you’ll have to make is whether you want a Mac or PC. While both have attractive qualities, deciding on a Mac or a PC basically comes down to user preference. Use the guide below to help you choose between a Mac and a PC.
1. Design
The design is a tell-tale difference between Mac and PCs. For years Apple has put their sleek, modern design at the forefront of their business model. Because Mac computers are made by a sole manufacturer, the aesthetic choices are limited. But not so with PCs. There are hundreds of PCs on the market, some designed with the intention of rivaling Macs. When it comes to customer perception though, Mac computers are continually thought of as hip, luxury items to be desired, thanks in part to their sophisticated design.
2. Tech Specs
The technical specifications for Macs and PCs can vary drastically. Depending on the brands and models you are comparing, they could be very similar or very different. Both computer options have similar RAM storage, internal processors, and hard drives, but Macs will usually outperform PCs in comparisons of speed and capacity of each component. PCs often include some extra features that Mac computers lack, including touch screens, Blu-Ray players, HDMI ports and more.
3. Functionality
Choosing between a Mac and a PC should depend on what your needs are. Outlining your specific needs will help you determine which computer is right for you. One interesting thing to note is that there is scarcely any software written for Macs. PCs are the computer of choice for video game fanatics because very few games can even run on Macs. Macs are favored by graphic designers, video editors and musicians, mostly because early models were unquestionably better at handling graphic-heavy content than PCs. The legacy has prevailed even though PCs have improved by leaps and bounds.
4. Operating Systems
PCs are compatible with operating systems based on IBM microprocessors such as Microsoft Windows or Linux. Microsoft thinks of itself more of an operating systems company as opposed to a computer manufacturer, hence the wide variety of PCs equipped with Windows operating systems. PC brands that run Windows operating systems include Dell, HP, Acer, Toshiba and more. Mac’s iOS software is pre-installed and runs on all models of computers manufactured by Apple. Thanks to their UNIX core, iOS boasts high security and low vulnerability to cyber-attacks and malicious software.
5. Price
Apple’s computers cost more than PCs and rarely sell for under $1,000. PCs often retail at half the price of Macs. Apple views its Mac line as high-end machines and builds the computers using better and more expensive parts. Most Mac users will attest to the fact that these costlier computers often last far longer than their PC counterparts.
If you’re still having trouble determining which computer is best for you, try taking this quick quiz to help you decide. No matter what computer you end up purchasing, Computer Troubleshooters offers residential technology services including troubleshooting and repair and data backup and delivery.