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We have been using to provide google index with upmarket highlights

about our website. You can add meta tags custom parameters to your sites head meta tag to high light specific anchors or text an information in specific blog pages. This makes it easier for the google index library to index your data easier and making sure that your contents on your articles are unique an most upfront original.

Many times we tried to add the schema to different parts of our pages an links to other websites like linked in an reddit but we were never able to link the two due to google strict backlink policy. is an easy way to let search engines know what your website is about. What keywords are triggering your website and if you H1 header are all working the in format that your chosen schema is setup as. The back end of the internet is like a big data base library an you must have the correct books content page to allow the index to correctly work with your site. if you require any further information on were to place the schema we can help you do this. Ring our service desk today 0386897974

nerdcore computers service centre

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