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Virus & Spyware Prevention Information

Anti Virus and Anti Spam

Nerdcore computers services will offer you a solution to prevent and stop spam and viruses before they even get to your mail exchange file server either located at your office or cloud centres.

With fraudulent, inappropriate and offensive emails being delivered in vast quantities to businesses every day, anti spam software is a vital component of your network security strategy. We offer external email scanning which will allow you to forget about spam and concentrate on the tasks that will add value to your business.

We offer a managed service protecting both internal and external email traffic. Since the service is external, you do not need to buy expensive servers or spend time installing and updating software - Everything is done for you. Another advantage of using a hosted solution is that potentially dangerous virus and spam mails are routed to external servers for quarantine, and thus never enter your system.

The program works by managing your email traffic through several spam and virus filters that scan emails against thousands of rules. Once the email has been scanned for unwanted and harmful content, approved emails are sent to your server reducing the bandwidth required and increasing your server speed, not forgetting of course the increased productivity from your staff that no longer spend time trawling though and deleting junk mail.

In the event of mail server failure you are notified immediately and all emails are queued for up to 7 days until the system is recovered. Hence you can be assured you will not be losing important emails.

As part of our service we also offer 'real time back up and archive'. This is essential as decisions, contracts and sales are often agreed via email communications and with the increasing legislation regarding the documentation and auditing of all email activity it is crucial your email archive is able to cope with the changes and your requirements. External storage ensures that your email archive is protected against threats to your premises from fire, theft etc and the archive is free from internal tampering. Archives can be retrieved in just 2 minutes by an administrator via any internet browser, these archives can be kept from 1 - 7 years.

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